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There are a lot of things that are broken in this world and overdue to be fixed. Sully's stands in solidarity with everyone who believes that black lives matter, rejects white supremacy, and works towards dismantling systems of oppression and fighting racial injustice. The power structure that keeps Black / Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) down while affording opportunities to others needs to be recalibrated and this is one way that we can help. We've had a long history of making fund-raising t-shirts using our "Believe In Boston" trademark, and we are proud to use it today to help direct much-needed resources to a valuable organization right here at home, the Massachusetts Bail Fund. We've started off with a $500 donation this morning and for every cent of profit that we earn from this tee, we'll be donating it to them.
The Massachusetts Bail Fund is an organization that pays up to $2,000 so that low-income people can stay free while they work towards resolving their case, allowing individuals, families, and communities to stay productive, together and stable. Massachusetts jails are filled with people awaiting trial simply because they cannot afford bail. Bail leads to longer incarceration times, lost jobs, lost housing and devastated families. When you are arrested, you are presumed innocent until you've "had your day in court." For many people who cannot afford bail, they end up stuck in jail regardless of that presumption through trial, which can take several months. This fund helps keep people who should otherwise be free out of jail while they await their trial, but cannot afford to do so.
We believe this is not a political issue, but a humanitarian one. This is about human rights, and we cannot stand by and do nothing. Boston as a city has had a checkered history when it comes to race relations and many people have worked hard in recent years to be a part of changing that. We want to be a part of helping make the changes necessary to help the BIPOC in our community, and hope this initiative can be a positive start.
For every cent of profit that we make selling this tee, we'll donate to the Massachusetts Bail Fund. To get things started, Sully's Brand made an initial donation of $500 on 6/05/20. On 6/08/20 we made a 2nd donation of $1,500. On 6/19/20 we made a 3rd donation of $1,000.
Available in unisex and youth sizes.
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